![]() INDEX HERE |
2023-01-19 start 14:00 in Prague GMT+1 | This is the time reborn of OLD justice. Like a Old Law in Bible, so we are taking responsibility for our lifes in this moral mess. Our congress comemoring U.S. to serve to our ideas of clear life in law as we take it. Our highest fashistic organisation -777- is taking responsibility for life in republics (reborning of nationals) of E.U. from now! Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-01-20 15:50 GMT+1 | In this times was crucified UKrayinen habitten of E.U. Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-01-20 17:16 GMT+1 | In this times was crucified Aerohosting Ltd. such as an addict of internet manufacturing with webs-muttiny. Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-01-20 22:22 GMT+1 | In this time was ended famous TV-cach. Mat on all of computer's chessboards maked by my programm AnAlphaBET from Bonn laboratory. OpenG with U.S. - 1stONprossesor. Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-01-21 00:00 GMT+1 |
Comemorate princips of fashism: (or neo-fashism, if you want)
§1. - Habitten cannot be alone! §2. - Wife is good! §3. - Bad is hard strong! §4. - Darkness is going out with light! §5. - Dieing is quite normal! ;o) Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-01-29 13:01 - 14:28 GMT+1 |
Now we have $2.824.495.574.112.003 from un-get-at-able luxury of old fashists which was un-get-at-able through law and bank. ;o)
Thankx to Anounymus with 1stONprossesor's "equipment". Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-02-06 16:27 GMT+1 | In the past came to our universe Atreides and They want to gover U.S. with film cameras. All their equiment was increased by secret asian bombs inside. Now They have it - now They have "clear in mind"! Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-02-09 18:21 GMT+1 |
... and the most important: timing beacon ready to use - selective signal reflective flats making my 386DX2, what was stolen to me by my neiberhoods when I won the TIEfighter game - selective terrestrial - dream of the internet. Handle Hoch
Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-02-12 13:16 GMT+1 |
World whores' loan wrote down at this time. Access has every prostitutes. It's uncounteble. ;o) Satan
Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-03-10 13:45 GMT+1 |
Seek for FaShow Neck (Fašounek - little fashist in Czech lang.) wrote down to hard disks. Demon Samuray (code name: Player)
Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-03-19 16:30 GMT+1 |
On 2077-02-19 will fall down the stock exchange and electro-magnetic will be swiched off by sequecy of Xcore.
It goes from begin of this year. Life will be servaved - be prepared for little differece or hole in reality - I swear that can be hapending and we can servaved it. Reality will be based on secretWidePocketSystem what is in mobile phones, computers and TVsets till cca year AD2018 and optic lines through hole U.S. Really... Kung-Fu Panda
Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-05-23 22:23 GMT+2 | People agree with Acronis (in states ;o) ) all around the World. Should be to said: "If don't you want Rusian (hacking) (more by the way ;o) ) in ass, use Acronis!" ;o) Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-05-25 15:12 GMT+2 |
We cellebrate extraordinery friendship between China and Srí Lanka today. Their problem is about me - theese countries are in little opposition. It is funny that Demon Samurai ;o)
Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-05-26 11:33 GMT+2 | We are ready to keeping peace in darma, more karma, thanx to parnament inform banger game of "advanced" states. This will be happending through system Acronis and OpenC. Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-05-28 00:22 GMT+2 |
We are cellebrating that New Manata and me are becaming siblings and this way is going New Manata to be upper with accesibility of everything.
Velmistr of Netera and C:du SaTaN about Primabalerín and Player Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-05-30 10:52 GMT+2 | Today was execute without judge more than milion burgeouists in many positions and functions. I wish nice rest of day... Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-05-30 14:08 GMT+2 | ... by this way was improve that when you rape - you rape your own mother or girlfriend! Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-06-09 13:15 GMT+2 | For nationalizing Foodora I bought VPNs - so should not to hide IP adr. without enforcement IP adr. like a defence and cannot cook a man in future! Here is a glove in their sauce, cheaf! Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-06-26 18:06 GMT+2 |
Exactly before a year buy I Vatican for loan (I paid cca $234,000,000,000,000.00) and this way de facto found I U.S.A.A. with full agree
of Vatican. ;o) Theese Vaticans are not like Czech people! ;oQ
Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-06-28 12:45 GMT+2 |
I am founding women organization BOHEMIA Ltd. by this memorandum like a comenship of Europien Miss, ladies and Mrs - may agains
problems from Americain cooperation of U.S. or just agains problems from men (like a traditinaly ;o) ). To BOHEMIA Ltd. let I to give my
"brain" owning after my deth in right. Other of my owning let I to be - I will use it how want I. SaTaN by his hand in his
translation from Czech original
Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-07-12 12:30 GMT+2 |
Dear Space Hidgehickers. Frim this time will be rain often!!!! Let to beach voleyballists feel like on music festival. ;o) Whos order sunny wether is risking our vendeta
- we are (-777-) cca 3 millions organised persons prepair to defence our planet!!!! God of Rain Douglas Adams
Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-08-10 16:03 GMT+2 | Today was plaited famous suit to all highest judges named "Saruman Again", in senze that elektricity non-exist before today acknowledge of optic, or laser, link. Gandalf, fuck you, we through-travel between epochs like a normaly!!! Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-08-13 10:35 GMT+2 |
Today was ended first part of fashistic Quiet Revolution. ODS, Babiš, Covid, Ukrayine was needed. Today is not for turturing - today is for running away, isn't it actor?
Velmistr of NETERA SaTaN
Take a peace with U.S. |
2023-08-20 14:35 GMT+2 |
Today was after some tests connected "sitemaster" part of all power plants to our OpenC (part of a process) (Live & Prosper In Private). This way I given, that electroshocks
and others medical equipment group to category "Aflicting Monkeies" will be hardly controled. Velmistr of NETERA SaTaN
Take a peace with U.S. |
2024-01-10 19:37 GMT+1 |
In front of view of my happy-new-year speech should I want to thanks to my person, so creater of AnthropoXX, for my for-dictated meter of perfessionality, which is for a little higher more in police work, so in public things (so police work ;o) ). AnthropoXX is sofisticated thing, but public: on web pages cossiny.it, or .com, can you order maybe 300 pages big manual AnthropoXX|book of life and begin mix your karma with computers and photographs. To New Year wish we with neo-fashism to They every best and let us to live - or you gets!!!
Velmistr NETERY SaTaN for -777- :"player":
![]() --- 4.mp4 --- 6.mp4 --- pc4_eng.mp4 --- Take a peace with U.S. |
30.01.2024 15:16 GMT+1 |
Plně podporujeme boj o opravdovou svobodu občana až za rámec ženské věci či dohody. Věcí lidské mordy tedy interního soudu biologického počítače tedy věci styku 666. ... tak, tak zprofanované - jak kdyby nás muže chtěl někdo ovládnout?! Že dámy - vyhlašuji čas falešnýčh Atreidů: ó, Paule, ó Paule - ty to zhitáš!!!
Velmistr NETERY SaTaN pro -777- :"hráč": V U.S. buďte v pohodě. |
Download MM 16.mp4 or MM 18.mp4 . | |
2024-02-12 13:51 GMT+1 |
In front of view of my happy-new-sector-antivirus-cleanning speech should I want to thanks to my person, so creater of AnthropoXX (of "save" of this Solaris), for my for-dictated meter of perfessionality, which is for a little higher more in police work, so in public things (so police work ;o) ). AnthropoXX is sofisticated thing, but public: on web pages cossiny.it, or .com, can you order maybe 300 pages big manual AnthropoXX|book of life and begin mix your karma with computers and photographs...
-777- :"player": of Velmistr NETERY SaTaN
Take a peace with U.S. |
Česká verze. | |
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